Diptongos hiatos pdf files

Las vocales fuertes nunca forman diptongos cuando van juntas. This zip file contains a pdf with halfsize booklets explaining and practicing. The first activity contains an acrostico in spanish. Subraya en las siguientes palabras las silabas tonicas 1. En os diptongos formados por voca aberta a, e, o y voca cerrada i, u, a t. Diptongos e hiatos vocales abiertas vocales cerradas a, e. Diptongos, triptongos e hiatos las tareas del cole. Diptongos, triptongos e hiatos linkedin slideshare. In each line there is a word that contains either a diptongo or a hiato. Students need to underline the word and put an x in the. Voy a aprender a acentuar palabras con diptongos e hiatos. This worksheets has the same exercises and activities as the first worksheet, though looks exclusively at hiatos in spanish. Las palabras agudas llevan tilde cuando terminan en vocal, en n o en s. There are three versions, both in profile and landscape format.

Lee en voz alta las siguientes palabras, separando las silabas. Diptongos e hiatos 2 lengua y literatura del colegio. Tell me if a word contains a diptongo or a hiato and which letters make it up. Diptongos e hiatos vocales abiertas vocales cerradas a. There are four combinations that will never from a diptongo because the u is silent. Diptongos e hiatos interactive and downloadable worksheet. Diptongos, triptongos e hiatos vocal voz humana prueba. Diptongos e hiatos vocales abiertas vocales cerradas a, e, o i, u diptongo.

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